April 13, 2011

Gavin Matthew Schulz-3 month photos

welll...technically 4 month photos, but I think I am just in denial because this little boy is growing so fast!! It literally feels like yesterday I took his newborn pics, and here we are taking 4 month photos.  Once again Gavin did not disappoint during his photo shoot.  He was sleeping when I first got there, but that didn't stop him from looking adorable in front of the camera :) and then once he woke up, it got even better.  He is such a ham for the camera, which makes my job easy!  Here are some of my favorites from the shoot, Check out the Rachel Ann Photography Facebook page next week for some more!  Thanks again Kim and Matt for letting me capture your beautiful baby boy, can't wait till next time!

Those eyelashes are just ridiculous, so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel-
    Thank you so much for sharing your talent with all of us! You are blessed and we get to enjoy the results!
    Grama Darcy
